From the '80s to Art: Meet the Maker Behind Oceane's Echo!

🎨✨ Hey there, new friends! I'm Rachael—child of the '80s, Mainer at heart, and New Englander for life. 🤘💄 As you can see, I’ve fully embraced that '80s vibe in this pic (yes, the makeup is real!), and I couldn’t be more excited to introduce myself to all of you!
I now live in New Hampshire with my 4 small humans and 1 adorable furbaby, Peanut Butter. 🐾 For the past 20 years, I’ve been focused on my corporate career, but my passion for art and creativity has always been in the background. Now, I’m embracing that side of myself again and working to incorporate more art into my life—and hopefully yours! 🌈
From handmade jewelry to unique watercolor and acrylic pieces, I'm excited to share my artistic journey with you all. Stay tuned for new creations, and thank you for being part of this adventure with me! 💕
#MeetTheArtist #80sBaby #CreativeJourney #NewEnglandLife #ArtistInspiration #MainerAtHeart #ArtAndLife #HandmadeWithLove #MomAndArtist #PeanutButterPup #ArtForYourLife #OceanesEcho